• The Board will now have a Market menu added where players can buy or sell items through the Market.
  • Once you’ve reached Level 99, the highest price that you can register an item will increase to 10 billion ED – which is the max.
  • Max number of items that can be registered will increase to 10.
  • Sales fee will decrease to 5%.
    • Items can be individually registered, received, or cancelled.
    • Item market duration will now be applied on each item depending at their time of registration.
    • The search function has been improved!
    • Multiple conditions can be selected at the same time as long as they’re in the same category.
    • Players attempting to buy or sell items with prices that are greatly different from the recent 30-day market price, will receive a pop-up confirming the sale.
    • Detailed search function will be added.
    • Market price info will be available when purchasing or selling items
    • A Re-register function will be added hat will immediately register the unsold item with the exact same condition as before.
    • Players will be able to check details (name, amount, price, sale duration) of items they’ve sold. Only the latest 30 items will show and only after “Goods Received” can you check in Sales Details.
    • Certain Ice Burner Costume pieces that used to require sealing will no longer need to be sealed in order to trade. As such, Phoru’s Foot Stamp (Yellow) will end sale by 07/19 23:59
    • A Market Premium Ticket can be purchased from the Item Mall.
    • The Market Premium Service will be applied immediately upon purchasing from the Item Mall.
    • Only the character that used the item will have the Market Premium Service applied.
    • A player that has the Premium Service activated while registering or receiving an item, Sales Fee benefits will be applied.
    • Market Premium Service duration will be extended if Market Premium Ticket is used when there’s still service duration remaining. (However, Max service duration is 90 days and cannot be extended any longer.)


    • When players are 99, they can trade up to 10 billion ED in individual trade!
    • A 5% sales fee will be applied to individual trades when using ED.


    • Items that can be traded will be a lot easier to distinguish in the inventory.
    • Items registered in Magic Wardrobe will have Cannot Trade in their descriptions.
    • Board Tab will be removed from the mailbox.
    • Board icon will be added to the mini-map UI. You will also be able to check the status of items you have registered when you hover over icon.


    • Items that have been registered or sold through the old Market Board before 07/20 00:00 PDT can be received through the (Old) Receive Items button.
    • The Sales Fee for (OLD) Receive items is 5%. However, if a player has a Sales Agent Certificate or Market Premium Service active when the item was registered or before receiving the items, Sales Fee benefits will be applied.
    • The (Old) Receive Items button will be active until 07/18/2023 (23:59 PDT).
      • Once the button has been removed, any items or ED you did not receive will also be removed.