- 2025-01-02 00:00 ~ 2025-01-02 03:00 PST

- Exascale Color Change Ticket
- Exascale Armor Set Effect Improvement

★ Added
- Carefree Collection! Event [View]
(2025-01-02 00:00 ~ 2025-03-04 23:59) - Hyper Punch Master Event [View]
(2025-01-02 00:00 ~ 2025-03-04 23:59) - Senpai, Carry Me in Raid! Event [View]
(2025-01-02 00:00 ~ 2025-03-04 23:59) - +11 Vestige of Soul Weapon Provision Event [View]
(2025-01-02 00:00 ~ 2025-03-04 23:59) - Class Change Event [View]
(2025-01-02 00:00 ~ 2025-01-14 23:59) - Exascale Color Change Ticket Event [View]
(2025-01-02 00:00 ~ 2025-01-14 23:59)
★ On-going
- ELSTAR 2 Comeback Celebration Event [View]
(2024-11-20 00:00 ~ 2025-03-25 23:59) - Winter Update Pre-Registration Event [View]
(2024-12-18 00:00 ~ 2025-01-13 23:59) - Winter Update Pre-Event [View]
(2024-12-18 00:00 ~ 2025-01-14 23:59) - Hedgehog Attendance Event [View]
(2024-12-04 00:00 ~ 2025-01-14 23:59)
★ Ended
- 2025 New Year Event [View]
(2025-01-01 00:00 ~ 2025-01-01 23:59) - ELSTAR 2 Photo Time Event [View]
(2024-12-04 00:00 ~ 2025-01-01 23:59) - ELSTAR 2 Decorate ELSTAR Diary Event [View]
(2024-12-04 00:00 ~ 2025-01-01 23:59)

★ Added
- ELSTAR 2 Track 2 Fan Package [View]
(2025-01-02 00:00 ~ 2025-01-28 23:59) - Exascale Color Change Ticket [View]
(2025-01-02 00:00 ~ Permanent) - Lithia Mariposa Requiem Ice Burner [View]
(2025-01-02 00:00 ~ 2025-02-25 23:59) - Lithia Mariposa Requiem 1+1 Ice Burner Package [View]
(2025-01-02 00:00 ~ 2025-01-07 23:59) - Lithia Mariposa Eyes [View]
(2025-01-02 00:00 ~ 2025-02-25 23:59)
★ Ended
- Lithia’s Frozen Edge Costume Suit Package [View]
(2024-11-06 00:00 ~ 2025-01-01 23:59) - ELSTAR 2 Fan Package [View]
(2024-12-04 00:00 ~ 2025-01-01 23:59) - New Year Package (Buying Limit: 2 during duration) [View]
- New Year First Step Package 1: Blessed Time and Space Scroll 165pcs
- New Year First Step Package 2: Blessed Master Artifact Hidden Power Scroll 45pcs
- New Year First Step Package 3: Empire Reign Ice Burner 30pcs
- New Year First Step Package 4: Steel Wall Key 40pcs
- New Year First Step Package 5: Plegas’s Labyrinth Key 40pcs
- New Year First Step Package 6: Blessed Chlorite Seed (10%) 30pcs
(2025-01-01 00:00 ~ 2025-01-01 23:59)

★ Exascale Color Change Ticket
- Exascale Color Change Ticket (Top Piece)/(Bottom Piece)/(Gloves)/(Shoes) will be released.
- Players can change the circuit colors through NPC Haivan in Camp: Steel Wall.
- Players can change the circuit colors for circuits equipped and activated on Exascale Armor. This can only be used on armor with the assembly bonus activated.
★ Exascale Armor Set Effect Improvements (2nd)
- The Exascale Armor Set Effects will be improved as shown below.
Set Name Set Effect Compute
BeforeAdaptation 2% (Max 55%)
Buff – Nearby Party’s Critical Damage Increase 10% (Does not stack)
Obtain ‘Logic’ Effect for 30 sec. every time Strength and Bravery Skill is used. (Max 40 stacks)
When ‘Logic’ reaches 40 stacks, obtain ‘Generate’ effect.
Logic: Physical/Magical Attack Power 0.5% increase per stack
Generate: Pressing the [Item Special Function] key removes all stacks of ‘Logic’ and replaces them with ‘Reset’ effect that lasts for 5 sec.
Reset: Master Skill/Hyperactive Skill Damage increases by 500% and Received Potion Recovery Effect decreases by 50%. Logic Effect cannot be obtained.Compute
AfterAdaptation 2% (Max 55%)
Buff – Nearby Party’s Critical Damage Increase 10% (Does not stack)
Obtain ‘Logic’ Effect for 30 sec. every time Active and Special Active Skill is used. (Max 20 stacks)
When ‘Logic’ reaches 20 stacks, obtain ‘Generate’ effect.
Logic: Physical/Magical Attack Power 1% increase per stack
Generate: Pressing the [Item Special Function] key removes all stacks of ‘Logic’ and replaces them with ‘Reset’ effect that lasts for 5 sec.
Reset: Master Skill/Hyperactive Skill Damage increases by 500% and Received Potion Recovery Effect decreases by 50%. Logic Effect cannot be obtained.Set Name Set Effect Cycle
BeforeAdaptation 2% (Max 55%)
Buff – Nearby Party’s Critical Damage Increase 10% (Does not stack)
Obtain ‘Flow’ Effect after starting dungeon.
Change to ‘Resist’ effect if the Armor’s Skill Cooldown Reset Effect activates while holding the ‘Flow’ Effect.
Change to ‘Flow’ effect if the Armor’s Skill Cooldown Reset Effect activates while holding the ‘Resist’ Effect.
Flow: Skill Cooldown Reset chance +5%, Special Active Skill Cooldown Acceleration by 1.2 times.
Resist: Skill Cooldown Reset chance +10%, All Skill Damage 12%Cycle
AfterAdaptation 2% (Max 55%)
Buff – Nearby Party’s Critical Damage Increase 10% (Does not stack)
Obtain ‘Flow’ Effect after starting dungeon.
Change to ‘Resist’ effect if the Armor’s Skill Cooldown Reset Effect activates while holding the ‘Flow’ Effect.
Change to ‘Flow’ effect if the Armor’s Skill Cooldown Reset Effect activates while holding the ‘Resist’ Effect.
Flow: Skill Cooldown Reset chance +8%, Special Active Skill Cooldown Acceleration by 1.2 times. Resist: Skill Cooldown Reset chance +8%, All Skill Damage 16%Set Name Set Effect Restore
BeforeAdaptation 2% (Max 55%)
Buff – Nearby Party’s Physical Attack Power Increase 10% (Does not stack)
Buff – Nearby Party’s Magical Attack Power Increase 10% (Does not stack)
Obtain ‘Repair’ Effect for 60 sec. after starting dungeon
Change to ‘Bridge’ Effect once ‘Repair’ Effect ends
Change to ‘Complete’ Effect for 5 sec. if [Item Special Function] is pressed while holding the ‘Bridge’ Effect
Change to ‘Repair’ Effect for 60 sec. once ‘Complete’ Effect ends
Repair: Damage Received 12% Decrease
Bridge: Upon obtaining the effect, generates a 1 time shield equal to 30% of Max HP to nearby party members. (Shield Duration 10 sec.)
Complete: For 5 sec., cooldown for the skill registered in Transcendence Skill Slot will become 1 sec. for all nearby party members. (Complete buff will not be reapplied for 60 sec.)Restore
AfterAdaptation 2% (Max 55%)
Buff – Nearby Party’s Physical Attack Power Increase 10% (Does not stack)
Buff – Nearby Party’s Magical Attack Power Increase 10% (Does not stack)
Obtain ‘Repair’ Effect for 60 sec. after starting dungeon
Change to ‘Bridge’ Effect once ‘Repair’ Effect ends
Change to ‘Complete’ Effect for 10 sec. if [Item Special Function] is pressed while holding the ‘Bridge’ Effect
Change to ‘Repair’ Effect for 60 sec. once ‘Complete’ Effect ends
Repair: Damage Received 12% Decrease
Bridge: Upon obtaining the effect, generate a 1 time shield equal to 30% of Max HP to nearby party members. (Shield Duration 10 sec.)
Complete: For 10 sec., Action Speed increases by 15%, cooldown for the skill registered in Transcendence Skill Slot will become 0.5 sec. for all nearby party members. Using the skill 5 times will end the effect. (Complete buff will not be reapplied for 60 sec.)
★ Character
- [Common]
- Fixed a bug where the character’s appearance was unintentionally obscured if the Mariposa Requiem Crown and certain accessories with halo effects were equipped together.
- [Raven]
- [Weapon Taker]
- Fixed a bug where the HP was not consumed as intended when Overheat hits the Revolver Cannon skill.
- [Weapon Taker]
- [Eve]
- [Code: Escencia]
- Fixed a bug where Fayner was not applied to the target near the character upon use.
- [Code: Escencia]
- [Elesis]
- [Flame Lord]
- Fixed a bug where Elesis’ hair had an unintended display when equipped with certain Mascot accessories while awakened.
- [Flame Lord]
- [Lu/Ciel]
- Fixed a bug where players could switch characters while fishing.
- [Rose]
- Fixed a bug where the standby time for the end of motion had an unintended duration.
- [Ain]
- [Opferung]
- Fixed a bug where Ain’s hair had an unintended display when equipped with certain Mascot accessories while awakened.
- [Opferung]
- [Noah]
- Fixed a bug where equipping Soft Duffle Coat caused the neck appearance to have an abnormal appearance in certain custom motions.
★ Dungeon/PvP/Field
- Fixed a bug where certain notes could unintentionally be hit during the Tuning pattern in Phase 1 of Orchestra Hall.
- Fixed a bug where the Success/Fail sync between the host and non-hosts did not align during the Note Check pattern in Phase 1 of Orchestra Hall.
- Fixed so that players die even when in an invincible state if players fail the Ultimate pattern in Phase 1 of Orchestra Hall.
★ Pet/Mount
- Fixed a bug where Pet: Merry’s effects had an unintended display on moving platforms.
- Fixed a bug where the “Deals continuous damage by n% of damage dealt for 3 sec.” option for the Exascale Compute circuit unintentionally applied lower CP.
- Fixed a bug where Sealing Impossible items unintentionally displayed as Sealable in the UI when opening Select Cube items.
- Fixed a bug where an abnormal pop-up window would appear if a player attempted to trade a limited-time item in personal trade.